November 30th - December 4th

Sunday, November 29, 2015 No comments

Welcome back! I hope you had a wonderful week spending time with your family. The next three weeks will be busy and full of fun. We are starting our holiday unit and will be taking about many holidays from around the world. 

I will also be introducing the Kindness Elves. We will be challenged with a new act of kindness every day until break. Ask your child what act of kindness they were able to provide to someone else during the day.

Please remember to send water bottles, snacks and appropriate winter clothing with your child everyday. 


November 16-20

Sunday, November 15, 2015 No comments
As we talk about being thankful this week, I need to start off with saying how thankful I am for the 19 wonderful kids I get to spend time with each day. They are the reason I do what I do. Thank you for sharing them with  me!This week we get to spend a lot of time talking about the things we are thankful for... I'm really excited to hear what the kids have to say.

We also have Paragon Night this week. We will be presenting our Africa unit Thursday at 5:35 in the classroom. The kids will be making kangas this week to wear for paragon night.

Please remind your child to bring their jackets to school. Recess has gotten a bit chilly!

Here is this weeks newsletter

November 9th - 13th

Sunday, November 8, 2015 No comments
Happy Fall and season of Thanksgiving. The time seems to be flying by so quickly! We have a fun week planned. We will be creating a diorama of the African Savanna and talking about some of our favorite African animals. On Wednesday, I will be talking to all the kinders about Kenya. I spent several years in Kenya (1st - 4th grade) when I was about their age. I will be bringing in some fun things for them to look at and fun pictures for them to see.

I hope all of you had a chance to sit down and read with your child. Please let me know if you have any questions about their new reading folders that came home on Friday. They can fill out their reading time on the reading log as well... double whammy!

Here is this week's newsletter:

November 2nd - 6th

Sunday, November 1, 2015 No comments
What a "fun"tastic fall we have had so far! We have had so many fun activities and events and have learned so much! We have really grown into a classroom family.

I am really excited to announce that we have hired a Literacy Assistant to help in the kinder classrooms. Ms. McKenzie Guyer will be helping work with the kids during the mornings during our literacy block. She will help work with different groups of kids throughout the week. Yay!

As a reminder, it is getting chilly outside during recess. Please make sure your child has a sweater or sweatshirt in their backpack to use as needed. Also, we have had many kids with out water bottles lately... please help remind them to grab their water bottle.

Here is the weekly newsletter.

Sunday, October 18, 2015 No comments

October 19 - 23

First of all, thank you for coming to conferences this past week. I really love conferences and getting to know you a little bit better. We have a fantastic class and fun group of kids! 

We have lots of exciting things planned for the week. We have Paragon Night on Tuesday (5:35 in the classroom), we are starting our pumpkin unit and science experiment, and we have a field trip on Friday... whew!

On paragon night, the kids can wear what ever they want. They each have a toga that they will wear over their regular clothes.

Please make sure you have the permission slip and fee paid as soon as possible. I would like to have a final count by Wednesday. We have enough drivers, THANK YOU! Please let me know if you have any questions.

Here is this weeks newsletter.

October 12 - 16

Sunday, October 11, 2015 No comments
I love Fall!! I love the changing leaves, the changing weather, and the flavors of Fall. We had a great week last week talking about how the seasons change.

This week we will have parent teacher conferences. I am really excited to meet with each of you and getting to know you a little bit better. If you still need to schedule a time, there are a few slots left on Friday. Just click on the Conferences tab at the top of the page to schedule your time.

Our field trip to the pumpkin patch is quickly approaching. I will have extra permission slips available at conferences if you still need to turn that in. (The fee will be due the day before the field trip.) As with all our field trips, if you drive just your child, you may leave right after the field trip and not have to come back to the school. You also do not need to complete the driver form for just your child. The kids may also wear what ever they want, dressing for the weather, on that day. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding the field trip process.

Here is this weeks Newsletter

October 5th - 9th

Sunday, October 4, 2015 No comments

October 5th - 9th 

They say time flies when your having fun, and that must be the case if it is already OCTOBER! This week is eLearning day on Friday. Assignments will be completed at home. There will not be class at the school.

Thank you for working on all the sight words with your kiddos at home. It is really fun to see them get excited when they identify a sight word in things that we are doing in class!

Next week is conferences. Please sign up for times at:

Conference Scheduler

Here is this week's Newsletter

September 27th - This week is Spirit Week!

Sunday, September 27, 2015 No comments
We have lots of fun and exciting things coming up in the month of October. Please see this weeks newsletter for a general overview of events. 

This week is spirit week! The schedule is as follows:

Monday - Pajama Day
Tuesday - Crazy Hair Day
Wednesday - Dragon Day
Thursday - Rainbow Day 
            K- red, 1st - orange, 2nd - yellow, 3rd - green, 4th - purple, 5th - blue
Friday - Dress Your Best Day

We are going on a field trip to the pumpkin patch Oct 23rd. Please return permission slips as soon as possible. Also, if you are able to drive, please complete the driver form as well.

Parent/Teacher conferences are coming up soon. You sign up for conference times online and information on how to do that will be coming home soon. 


Monday, September 21, 2015 No comments
Paragon Song

The kids will be working on a song in music for our paragon unit this month. Here is a link to the lyrics and melody. Feel free to practice at home.

Giro, Giro, Tondo

September 21


 As a reminder, please send two snacks with your child each day. (We have a morning and afternoon snack time.) There have been many instances over the last several weeks where kids are out of snack by the afternoon. I try to monitor the snack intake, but sometimes snack is eaten with lunch. Along the same line, if you have any left over snacks or extra snacks that are laying around the house that you would like to donate for those who may forget or run out of snack, that would be appreciated 😊.

The weather is changing and can become unpredictable. Please send a sweater or sweatshirt with your child on days that may become cooler. If we go out to recess and it is cold and windy, it is handy to have something to throw on.

Weekly Newsletter

Septemeber 13th

Sunday, September 13, 2015 No comments
Thank you for a wonderful Paragon Night! The kids were fantastic. They worked really hard on their costumes and looked fantastic. They love to share all their work and show their families what they have been working on.

This week we will start a new unit talking about families. We will be working on family trees and creating a classroom family tree.  Tomorrow, I will be sending home a "Family Tree" for the kids to fill out with your help. If you need an additional copy or one to keep for yourself, click the link below.

Family Tree Printable

Here is this weeks newsletter. Please let me know if you have any questions.

September 8th - 11th

Monday, September 7, 2015 No comments
We have a great week ahead of us! This week is Paragon Night (Thursday the 10th). The first paragon night is always very exciting for the kids. I like to keep things very informal and let the focus be on the kids and their accomplishments. They will sing a little song for you and then show you what they have worked on during the unit.We meet in the classroom and start our presentation at 5:35pm. The kids can wear anything they want... they will put their Egyptian clothes on top of what they are wearing.

This weeks newsletter has been added to the newsletters page. Please let me know if you have any questions.

This Weeks Newsletter

Thursday, September 3, 2015 No comments
This is a beautiful video that reminds us about how wonderful each and every child is!

Welcome to Kindergarten!

Sunday, August 30, 2015
We have successfully started a wonderful new year of school! We have a wonderful class full of personality and character. This is where I will post the wonderful things we will be working on and upcoming events. I hope that you, as parents and caregivers, will find it to be a helpful tool in our kindergarten adventure together!