is bound to be an exciting week! Character Day is Tuesday. Kids can dress up as
any character they choose – no weapons or gore and modesty standards still
apply J. We will have a classroom party from 10:00-11:00am.
As we enter a season filled with sweets, I want to remind everyone that candy is not allowed for snacks or lunches. Please help keep our classroom happy
& healthy by keeping the candy and sweets at home.
you for your help with this!
Please remind your child to bring a jacket/coat to school each day. It can be chilly during recess! Last week we had several students without a jacket/coat. If your child does not bring a jacket/coat on a cold day, they will sit in the office during recess time in order to keep them healthy and safe. If you need assistance with purchasing a jacket/coat, please let me know or speak with front office.
The focus book for this week is
Here is this weeks newsletter:
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