October 2nd - 6th

Sunday, October 1, 2017
This week is spirit week and we get to dress up in a special way!

Monday – Captain Awesome: dress as a superhero
Tuesday – A Color of His Own: dress in tie dye or colorful outfit
Wednesday – Oh, The Places You’ll Go!: dress as what you want to be when you grow up
Thursday – Frog and Toad: dress like a buddy or in our class color… PURPLE J
Friday – Return of the Library Dragon: dress in green and gold or as a dragon

Library books went home over the weekend… please remind your child to bring their book back.

Thank you to all those who have signed up to drive on the field trip. I sent driver forms home in Friday folders. If you are driving, please send those back as soon as possible and stop by the office to complete the quick background check. (it only takes a few minutes). You can also do this if you plan to help drive on our spring field trip.

Here is this the link to the focus book for the week: Knuffle Bunny

Here is this weeks newsletter:

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