August 29th - September 2nd

Sunday, August 28, 2016 No comments

This was a fun week getting to know each other better. Friendships are blossoming and growing. We have been learning how to work in partnerships and small groups. 

The kids really enjoyed the respect assembly on Friday. These are fun assemblies that are like a "pep rally". Kids throughout the school get recognized for the character trait of the month. We also get to hear from the band, choir, dance, and drama groups. 

Our Specials rotations will be weekly rotations of art and music (full week at a time) and PE/Wellness (which includes dance) on Monday and Thursday. If your child joined the "Dragon Scales" choir, that will meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays. 

We will be starting our monthly reading logs in September. Every child is encouraged to read at least 10 minutes everyday. I will be sending reading logs home in the Friday folder. If your child reads more than what is listed on the reading log, you are more than welcome to print another (found on the blog page) and send that in as well. Every log that is turned in will receive a "Book It" award for a free Pizza Hut pizza. 

I sent home the Dibels report for each child in the Friday Folder this week. The Dibels assessment (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills) is given 3 times a year to monitor your child's growth in Literacy. If you have questions about the report, please let me know. I would be happy to go over the information with you. 

Also, please send a water bottle with your child everyday. We have had several students without water bottles and they get thirsty through out the day. It can be disruptive for students to go to the water fountain on a regular basis.

Here is this weeks newsletter: 

Saturday, August 20, 2016 No comments
Welcome to Kindergarten! I am so excited for this new year! I love getting to know the new kids I get to have in my classroom. Each of them bring something special into our classroom family. We will be learning new things each and everyday and it is a joy to see their eyes light up as the learn something new. As we move through the year I will do my best to keep you up to date on everything but if you do have a question, please email me. ( 

This weeks newsletter