November 27th - December 1st

Sunday, November 26, 2017 No comments
Welcome back from break! I hope you all had a safe and wonderful time with your family.

We are starting our 2nd trimester and have lots of fun things planned. We will be starting our enrichment classes this week. They will take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:45 – 3:15.
(It may take us a few extra minutes to get outside on these days! J)

Keep an eye out for Bloomz messages… we have several fun things coming up that we will need volunteers and donations. We will be making gingerbread houses, having guest readers, and having our Polar Express Party!

Please remember to have your child bring in a morning snack, an afternoon snack, a water bottle,
and proper outside attire each day.

Our focus book for the week is Bear Snores On.

Here is our weekly newsletter:

November 13th - 16th

Sunday, November 12, 2017 No comments
This is a short week packed with lots of fun things! We will have our Thanksgiving Feast on Thursday… Thank you to the parents that signed up to bring something in!

Paragon night is this Wednesday – Kinder will be performing in our classrooms at 5:45 pm. 
We encourage all families to come watch the stage performances as well. 

The schedule for the evening is as follows:
5:15pm 1st grade (stage)
5:25pm 4th grade (stage)
5:45pm Kinder
5:55pm 2nd grade
6:05pm 3rd grade
6:15pm 5th grade

We will be having our Feast Thursday Afternoon. We also just found out on Friday that there will be a traveling children’s theater coming that afternoon as well. We will need to adjust times a little that day to fit everything in. So, half-day students are welcome to stay ALL DAY!!

Finally, there is no school on Friday. Have a wonderful break! Enjoy time with your family and friends. We’ll see you back on Monday, November 27th. 

The focus book for the week is Turkey Trouble

Here is this weeks newsletter:

November 6th - 10th

Sunday, November 5, 2017 No comments
Thank you to all the parents who donated things and helped with the Halloween Party. The kids had a wonderful day filled with fun!

We will have a magician coming to the school on Monday morning to perform. The kids earned this from the outstanding work they did on the Yankee Candle Fundraiser! YAY!

Reading folders went home on Friday. The kids were super excited about them and are eager to read their books. Please let me know if you have any questions.

We will be having a Thanksgiving Feast on November 16th. Please keep an eye out for a Bloomz message requesting donations for our celebration. 

The focus book for this week is Scaredy Squirrel.

Here is this weeks newsletter: