December 10th - 14th

Sunday, December 9, 2018 No comments

We are in the home stretch to winter break! There are a lot of fun things happening over the next couple of weeks… Fall Play, Winter Festival, Respect Assembly, and Festive Days.

Holiday Spirit Week (December 17-20)
Monday: Festive Sock Day
Tuesday: Head Band & Hat Day
Wednesday: Ugly Sweater Day
Thursday: Pajama Day

We will be making gingerbread houses on Thursday the 20th. A sign up will be sent out for donations.

This is the last week for the change drive. Kindergarten will be donating our money to the Harmony House for kids.

Our focus book for the week is Reindeer by Katie Marsico:

Here is the weekly newsletter:

The Kindness Elves

Sunday, December 2, 2018 No comments
Our focus for the season will be “Kindness”. Ask your child about the kindness elves that will make their appearance in kindergarten this week! Everyday we will have a new "kindness challenge". 

To read more about the kindness elves, visit here:

December 3rd - 7th

The weather is changing, the seasons are changing, and excitement is in the air!

Our focus for the season will be “Kindness”. Ask your child about the kindness elves that will make their appearance in kindergarten this week! Everyday we will have a new "kindness challenge". 

We also have the change drive starting. We will be deciding as a class where we want to donate our money to. Kids can bring in any loose change to help fill our jar!

Here is the weekly newsletter:

our focus book for the week is The Gingerbread Boy by Paul Galdone:

November 12th - 16th

Sunday, November 11, 2018 No comments

Showcase Night is Tuesday, November 13th. Kindergarten will be singing on stage!
 Kids can wear anything they want. We told them they can dress up fancy since we are on stage this month. Please have your child to the classroom by 5:00 pm. 
We will be on stage and starting the performance at 5:15 pm. 

We will be having a classroom Thanksgiving Feast on Thursday. Donation requests will be sent out via signupgenius. Half Day Students are invited to stay all day and celebrate with us!

The weather is changing! We will try to go outside as much as possible. Please have your child bring mittens/gloves, hats, scarves, boots, and coats as needed. If you need assistance with getting winter gear for your child please contact the front office.

There will not be any school on Friday, November 16th - it is a teacher workday. 
Enjoy your long break!

If you take any pictures during school/classroom activities, please share them with me! I would love to add them to our yearbook and end of year slideshow.

Our Focus books for the week are:

Here is our weekly newsletter:

November 5th - 9th

Saturday, November 3, 2018 No comments

Thank you for sending in things for our classroom this last week! We really enjoyed dressing up and sharing with our friends.
We will be having Showcase Night on Tuesday, November 13th. Kindergarten will be singing on stage!
If you take any pictures during school/classroom activities, please share them with me! I would love to add them to our yearbook and end of year slideshow.

The focus book for the week is Scarecrow by Cynthia Rylant:

Here is the weekly Newsletter: 

October 29th - November 2nd

Sunday, October 28, 2018 No comments

We had a great week last week filled with all kinds of adventures. Thank you to all the parents and volunteers that made our week successful and FUN!
We will celebrate Halloween on Wednesday the 31st with Book Character Day. Come dressed as your favorite character! We will read our book reports, play games, have healthy snacks, and have a character parade at the end of the day. 
Please DO NOT send candy with your child for snack or lunch J. Many candies and sweets contain allergens (with nuts, dyes, and gluten) that can be easily spread and can cause severe reactions in our students. Please keep the candy at home. 

We would like to have healthy snacks for the kids on Wednesday. A link to sign up for treats will be sent out via email.

Remember to send back reading logs for October!

The focus book for the week is Room on the Broom by Julia Donaldson:

Here is the weekly newsletter:

October 8th - 12th

Sunday, October 7, 2018 No comments

What an exciting week we had last week! There was a lot of fun and a lot of creativity!

If you have not done so already, please make sure to sign up for a conference time and fill out the permissions slip for the field trip. Our field trip day is October 26th, 9-11 am to the Pumpkin Patch. We also need drivers! 
(We will only be able to go if we have enough transportation.)

Please check your child's Friday Folder... Lots of good stuff came home! The October reading log was included along with "Work Mats" for the month. 

What are Work Mats? Well, many of you have asked how you can help support your child's learning at home. These mats are a great way to do this! This is not a required thing and will not be graded - but if your child wants to return them to school, we will celebrate it!

We love to see the reading logs come back to school as well! As a grade level we are tracking the number of books we are reading each month as part of the "Pizza Hut Book It!" program. Each time your child returns their reading log, they get a free personal pizza from Pizza Hut and they get to log it on our chart in the hallway for an end of year celebration!

We will also be doing a Book Character Day on October 31st! There was a "book report" template included in Friday Folders as well. Each student can dress up as any character that they find in a book and complete a mini report about it. They will read their reports in class that day and we will have a party and a school wide Parade of Characters!

As the weather changes, please make sure to send a sweatshirt or jacket with your child each day. The weather can be unpredictable and we try to go outside as much as possible!

Our weekly focus book is The Little Red Hen by Paul Galdone:

Here is our weekly newsletter:

October 1st - 5th

Sunday, September 30, 2018 No comments
This Week is Spirit Week
Monday-pajama day
Tuesday – crazy hair day
Wednesday – school colors day (green/gold/purple)
Thursday – super hero day
Friday – sports day.
The Scholastic Book Fair is also at our school this week! Stop by the library after school and see what great deals you can find!

Friday is Camp Read-a-Lot at the school. Come have dinner and enjoy time reading with your family!
We have locked in our field trip day for October 26th, 9-11 am to the Pumpkin Patch.
You will receive an email via to give permission for your child to attend and to pay the field trip fee. 

The focus book for this week is The Three Billy Goats Gruff by Paul Galdone:

Our Comparative text will be The Three Billy Goats Fluff by Rachael Mortimer:

Here is the newsletter:

September 24th - 28th

Friday, September 21, 2018 No comments

This week is our student showcase night. Kindergarten will be singing a song in our classrooms as 5:35 and our self portraits will be on display. The schedule for all the whole night and different grade levels was sent out in dragon mail.
Spirit Week is October 1st – 5th : Monday-pajama day, Tuesday – crazy hair day, Wednesday – school colors/dragon day, Thursday – super hero day, Friday – sports day.
We have locked in our field trip day for October 26th, 9-11 am to the Pumpkin Patch.
Specific details will be coming home soon.

Our focus book for the week is The Three Little Pigs by Paul Galdone. 

Here is the weekly newsletter:

September 17th - 20th

Saturday, September 15, 2018 No comments

Thank you to everyone for donating apple treats and helping last week! We had a lot of fun learning all about apples and finished the week off sampling all kinds of things that can be made with apples.
 !!!  REMINDER - School will not be in session this Friday.  !!!
We have locked in our field trip day for October 26th, 9-11 am to the Pumpkin Patch.
Specific details will be coming home soon.

The focus book for this week is A Tree for All Seasons by Robin Benard:

Here is the weekly newsletter:

September 10th - 14th

Sunday, September 9, 2018 No comments

This week we will be learning all about apples. We would love to have some yummy apple treats on Friday. If you would like to help with this, we would love to have donations of applesauce, dried apple chips, apple slices with dips, etc. Just whatever your favorite apple treat is!
Also, if you are looking for a way to volunteer from home, I have some workbooks that need to be pulled apart and have the pages separated. Just let me know and I’ll can send them home with you!

We will be having our first field trip towards the end of October. As soon as we get the date finalized, we will let you know. If you are wanting to drive for this trip, it is important that you get your background check completed in the front office prior to the week of the field trip.

Our focus book for this week is Apples for Everyone by Jill Esbaum:

Here is our weekly newsletter:

September 4th - 7th

Monday, September 3, 2018 No comments

Last week we had  a lot of fun learning more about each other! We also got more familiar with the building and the location of all our specials classes! Please remember that we have Wellness/PE on Monday and Thursday – athletic type shoes should be worn on these days.
Some dress code reminders: denim can be worn on respect assembly days (but are not part of the regular dress code), shirts need to be a solid color, and shoes should be close toe. Leggings or shorts should be worn under skirts and dresses J.

There will be a Parent Orientation Night this Thursday. This is a great opportunity to learn more about the day to day operations of the school and classrooms. 

The focus book for this week is The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister.

Here is the weekly newsletter:

August 27th - 31st

Saturday, August 25, 2018 No comments
Thank you for an amazing first couple of days! We spent the time getting to know each other, the classroom, and school expectations. This week we will slowly introduce our curriculum and learn more about our classroom routines.
A few reminders: we have 2 snacks each day – one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Also, please be sure to send a water bottle each day.

 We will have our first respect assembly on Friday. The kids can wear jeans on Respect assembly days – dress code shirts still need to be worn. If you have any questions on dress code, please let me know.

Our specials schedule is as follows: Mon - Wellness (PE), Tues - Art, Wed - Music, Thurs - Wellness & Music, Friday - Art. It is helpful if your child wears tennis shoes on Monday and Thursday for Wellness class. 

We will have school pictures on Wednesday the 29th. This is a free dress day for the kids!!! We will have our pictures first thing in the morning 😃.

Our focus book for the week is Chicka Chicka Boom Boom:

Here is the newsletter for this week: