March 26th – 30th

Sunday, March 25, 2018 No comments

We have some really fun things happening in class and a few dates to keep in mind over the next couple of weeks.

 If you haven’t heard already, we have started incubating our chicken eggs in the classroom! We will be monitoring and candling the eggs and keeping a journal of what we discover. It takes 21 days for the eggs to develop and hatch.  The eggs are due to hatch on Friday, April 13th. This is also conference day, so we will have the classroom open for you  to stop by anytime to see the progress of the hatching. I will also be there on Saturday to monitor the progress of the hatching and you are also welcome to bring your family in to see the chicks hatching that day as well! 

We will have a local author coming to speak to the kids this Wednesday about his life and read one of his books to the kids. The author, Nick, has cerebral palsy and speaks with a talking device (also known as a voice output communication aid, VOCA). This is a great opportunity for the kids to learn about disabilities. Nick loves kids and loves to answer questions about his disability and his life. 

Picture forms went home in Friday folders. We will have class pictures on Tuesday, April 3rd. This will be  a free dress day!

The focus book this week is Chickens Aren't the Only Ones by Ruth Heller

There is also a Reading Rainbow episode for this book!

Here is the weekly newsletter:

March 19 - 23

Saturday, March 17, 2018 No comments

Welcome Back! I hope everyone had a wonderful spring break and was able to get out and enjoy the beautiful weather! Can you believe we are starting our final trimester?

Things to remember as we get started: send 2 snacks and a water bottle everyday, a jacket or sweatshirt as needed, and order the hot lunches you need J.

New enrichment class assignments will be given out on Monday – we will start classes on Tuesday. If you have questions or concerns about enrichment classes, please contact the front office.

The focus book for the week is Tops & Bottoms by Janet Stevens:

Here is the weekly newsletter:

March 5th - 9th

Sunday, March 4, 2018 No comments

This week we will be finishing our second trimester! We are two-thirds of the way through the school year, wow! We will be doing assessments for report cards as well. Report cards will be going home when we come back from spring break.

We are also making a collage of different types of art. We have asked the kids to bring in any pictures they can find in old magazines or newspapers that represent the different types of art we are studying – dance, visual art, music, and drama. If you have any magazines or newspapers you are willing to have cut up, please send those in or have your child cut out pictures at home.

This week we will also have a sneaky, tricky visitor in our classroom.... leprechauns can be really
ornery and mischievous. We may have to set a trap! The kids can go all out and wear as much green as they want to on Friday!

This focus book this week is Jamie O'Rourke and the Big Potato by Tommy dePoala.

 Here is the weekly newsletter: