January 27th - 31st

Saturday, January 25, 2020 No comments

Please make sure to complete the online field trip permission form!  Our field trip is on Friday, February 7th. If you are willing to drive & chaperone, you can indicate so on the permission form! If you are driving, you will need to have a completed and/or updated background check. 

Showcase night is Thursday, February 6th. We will be presenting what we have been learning in science and social studies! We will tell you about penguins and polar bears and show you the projects we have created!

Our class Valentines party will be Thursday, February 13th. We will have a yogurt parfait bar and pass out valentines. A list of the names of all our classmates is listed on the blog page!

Parent/Teacher conferences are also coming up… I will email out a sign up soon! I will be holding conferences all week to help accommodate working schedules. 

Save the Date: Kindergarten Graduation 
Friday, May 22nd, 5:30pm

Our focus book for the week is
 Each Kindness by Jacqueline Woodson

Here is this weeks newsletter:

January 21st - 24th

Sunday, January 19, 2020 No comments

I am looking forward to all the fun things we have coming up! Please make sure to read the newsletter for updates on all our activities! 

We have a field trip coming up to the Discovery Museum on February 7th! Please click on the link below to give your child permission to go. We will also need drivers... if you are able to drive and chaperone, please indicate so on the permission slip. 

Housekeeping Tips... During the year, please remember these basic courtesies:
Please have a change of clothes in your child’s backpack in case of spills or accidents.
Please feed your child breakfast. A hungry child is unable to focus.
Please do not send your child to school if he’s not feeling well.
Please make sure your child has weather appropriate clothing, shoes, and gear.

Save the Date: Kindergarten Graduation Friday, May 22nd, 5:30pm

The focus book for the week is Ice Bear by Nicola Davies:

Here is the weekly newsletter:

January 13-17

Sunday, January 12, 2020 No comments
Dear Families,

I am so excited to finish out the year in kindergarten with you... we will have so much fun! This week we will be working on lots of new things. You will start to see new things coming home as I start implementing new things for the class (reading logs, reading folders, etc.). Please let me know if you have any questions as we move along.

Math Night is this Thursday night. There will be math games for the whole family. Come get to know other families and play some fun games!

Please remember to have your child dress appropriately for the weather... layers, jackets/coats, hats, mittens, etc. We go outside for recess 3 times a day, weather permitting.

The focus book for this week is Tacky the Penguin by Helen Lester:

Here is the weekly newsletter: