November 28th - December 2nd

Sunday, November 27, 2016 No comments

I hope everyone enjoyed their break and spent time with their families! Thank you to all who helped with and donated items to our Thanksgiving Feast.

On Tuesday morning we have an assembly. We have a magician coming to the school and he puts on a great show for the kids!

Our “Kindness Elves” arrive this week! Each day they will give us a new challenge to show kindness. Ask your child each day how they were able to show kindness to someone else. This is a great way to help our class build and develop social and emotional skills! If you would like to participate at home, here is some information on what we will be doing:
We have a lot to pack into the next three weeks so it’s time to put on your running shoes. I will be sending out  lots of volunteer opportunities via the Bloomz app so keep your eyes out for ways that you can help! Thanks again for all that you do to support your child!

Here is this weeks newsletter:


November 14 - 18

Sunday, November 13, 2016 No comments

We will be making a project with shoe boxes.
Please send in any shoe boxes you may have at home.

We are having a Thanksgiving Feast on Friday. If you signed up to bring something, please send it in by Friday morning, thanks!

We have a special guest speaker coming in on Tuesday afternoon to talk about Africa.Nick loves to come in and speak to the kids. Nick has cerebral palsy and in a wheel chair and uses a speech device to talk. He lived in Africa as a child and love to tell the kids about his experiences and overcoming challenges that may come your way. 

Thanksgiving Break is November 21st – 25th 

Here is this weeks newsletter:

November 7th - 11th

Sunday, November 6, 2016 No comments

We had a super fun Halloween Party and Costume Parade last week! Thank you to all the parents who helped make this memorable for our class!

I have noticed some candy in backpacks and lunchboxes. Please help our classroom by not sending any candy for snack or lunch. It really helps our classroom atmosphere. 

We will be making a project with shoe boxes next week… Please send in any shoe boxes you may have at home, Thanks!

As some of you may have noticed, I had a little accident and ended up on crutches this week. I rolled my ankle (on the playground, no less) spraining my ankle and pulling some ligaments off the bone. I will visit the orthopedic on Monday afternoon and will find out what my road to recovery looks like... hopefully quick! The kids were so kind and loving! They have been supper helpers :). 

Here is this weeks newsletter:

October 31st - November 4th

Sunday, October 30, 2016 No comments
A huge thank you to the parents who drove and chaperoned for our field trip. We had a blast! It was a great conclusion to our pumpkin unit! I will be posting pictures soon!

Our Halloween party will be tomorrow, Monday, Oct 31st, from 12:45-1:45pm.

Please help our classroom by not sending any candy for snack or lunch over the next couple of weeks. It really helps our classroom as a whole to limit the sugar J.

Here is this weeks newsletter:

October 24th - 28th

Monday, October 24, 2016 No comments
Our paragon performance is this Wednesday and will take place in the kindergarten classrooms. We start at 5:50. Please arrive by 5:45 so that the kids can get ready J.

We have a field trip coming up Friday, October 28th. Permission slips went home last week. Please make sure to get them returned with the fee. Please return all forms by Wednesday. If you want, you may drive your child and meet us at the pumpkin patch and then you may take them home right after as well. Please let me know if this is your plan so that we can plan drivers accordingly. Siblings are welcome if you are driving and supervising just your child.  

Our Halloween party will be Monday, Oct 31st, from 12:45-1:45 pm. Thanks in advance to all the parents that are making this fun event possible!

Here is this weeks newsletter:

October 17th - 21st

Monday, October 17, 2016 No comments
Thank you all for attending conferences last week! I really enjoyed getting to know each of you better and am glad we can be partners in your child's education.

We have a field trip coming up Friday, October 28th. Permission slips went home last week. Please make sure to get them returned with the fee. We still need a couple of drivers as well. You can sign up to help drive & chaperone on the Bloomz app as well. J

Our Halloween party will be Monday, Oct 31st, from 12:45-1:45pm. Look for chances to help with the party as listed on Bloomz!

Here is this weeks newsletter:

October 3rd - 7th

Sunday, September 25, 2016 No comments
You should have received an e-mail inviting you to use the Bloomz app. This can be accessed by computer, phone, or tablet. The school as a whole will now be using this app to inform parents of upcoming events, provide and share information, sign up for volunteer work, and schedule conferences. Please let me know if you did not receive the email and I will send you another.

We are coming to the end of the 1st quarter! Wow! Parent/Teacher conferences are coming up next week and you can sign up for your time on the Bloomz app! If there is not a time that works for you and your family, please let me know and we can schedule an alternate time.

We have a field trip coming up Friday, October 28th. Please be watching for a permission slip going home in Friday Folders. You can sign up to help drive & chaperone on the Bloomz app as well.

This week we completed a great STEAM project! 

Here is this weeks newsletter:

September 26th - 30th

The kids have really been loving their reading folders! I love to see their excitement when they sit down with a book! As a side note, you do not need to initial each time they read the book. You just need to initial one time for each book.
We have several things happening over the next several weeks. Please take note of the calendar and let me know if you have any questions. We are also trying to schedule our first field trip. We will be going to the pumpkin patch at Bartels Farm. We will let you know as soon as we have a date reserved. We will need volunteers to help drive and chaperone!

This week is the Scholastic Book Fair. It is located in the workroom on the second floor right off of the elevators.

In helping plan for Halloween this year, I wanted to give you a heads up on how TPAAK does dress up day. Kids can wear costumes all day. The costumes need to be a book character and the kids will fill out a little book report to give along with wearing that costume. It can be any book! The only stipulation with costumes is that there is no gore or violence and weapons are not allowed - this includes things like light sabers. We will also have a classroom party. I will send out a sign up to help plan, bring things, and attend the party. 

Here is this weeks newsletter 

September 19th - 23rd

Monday, September 19, 2016 No comments

Reading folders were sent home this last week. Please read the introduction letters and help your child find a few minutes each day to practice reading. The folders are to be kept for several days and then returned to school. They will receive a new book each week when I meet with each reading group.

The weather is starting to change and can be unpredictable. Please send your child with a sweater or sweatshirt on days that may call for it. We have 3 recesses a day and the wind can be chilly. 

Here is this weeks newsletter: 


September 12-16

Sunday, September 11, 2016 No comments

The weeks seem to be flying by. I can’t believe we have already been in school a month! Everyone has learned our routines and we are ready to take of running this week. Several things will be happening this week:

I will be sending home reading folders for everyone. Keep an eye out for it! Each student will receive a book that they can read and practice at home and then bring back for another book. Reading logs also went home in Friday folders. You can use any book (including the ones sent home in the reading folder) to count towards minutes read. At the end of the month, reading logs can be turned in for a prize!

Paragon night is Thursday. 3rd, 4th, & 5th grades will be presenting their units. Kinder, 1st, & 2nd  will present next paragon night (Oct. 26th) You are more than welcome to come see what the other grades/classes are doing. All teachers will be in their classrooms. You are more than welcome to stop by and say hi. This is also a great opportunity to show your friends and family what is going on at your child's school.

School pictures will be this Friday. Students can be out of uniform and wear what they want for pictures. Order forms went home in Friday folders. They are due by Friday morning. We are scheduled to have our class done at 8:40 am. 
Also, book orders are due this Friday. If you would like to place an order for books from this months selection, please have those in by Friday evening. I will finalize our class order on Saturday morning. If you need an additional order form, they are outside the classroom. 
Please let me know if you have any questions as we start getting into more things happening at school.  This year is going to be GREAT!
Here is this weeks newsletter: 

September 6th - 9th

Monday, September 5, 2016 No comments

We had lots of fun last week with our first STEM activity! We tried to see how many pennies we could stack using our teeth – there were too many laughs to count! Ask your child about their experiment. Here are just a few pictures of our experiment.

Please remember to send a water bottle with your child everyday. We still have several friends without water bottles. Also, as a reminder, our classroom is a “nut free” zone. We have friends in our kindergarten that have severe allergies to several kinds of nuts.  Snacks must be nut free. Please let me know if you have any questions. 

Here is this weeks newsletter 


August 29th - September 2nd

Sunday, August 28, 2016 No comments

This was a fun week getting to know each other better. Friendships are blossoming and growing. We have been learning how to work in partnerships and small groups. 

The kids really enjoyed the respect assembly on Friday. These are fun assemblies that are like a "pep rally". Kids throughout the school get recognized for the character trait of the month. We also get to hear from the band, choir, dance, and drama groups. 

Our Specials rotations will be weekly rotations of art and music (full week at a time) and PE/Wellness (which includes dance) on Monday and Thursday. If your child joined the "Dragon Scales" choir, that will meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays. 

We will be starting our monthly reading logs in September. Every child is encouraged to read at least 10 minutes everyday. I will be sending reading logs home in the Friday folder. If your child reads more than what is listed on the reading log, you are more than welcome to print another (found on the blog page) and send that in as well. Every log that is turned in will receive a "Book It" award for a free Pizza Hut pizza. 

I sent home the Dibels report for each child in the Friday Folder this week. The Dibels assessment (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills) is given 3 times a year to monitor your child's growth in Literacy. If you have questions about the report, please let me know. I would be happy to go over the information with you. 

Also, please send a water bottle with your child everyday. We have had several students without water bottles and they get thirsty through out the day. It can be disruptive for students to go to the water fountain on a regular basis.

Here is this weeks newsletter: 

Saturday, August 20, 2016 No comments
Welcome to Kindergarten! I am so excited for this new year! I love getting to know the new kids I get to have in my classroom. Each of them bring something special into our classroom family. We will be learning new things each and everyday and it is a joy to see their eyes light up as the learn something new. As we move through the year I will do my best to keep you up to date on everything but if you do have a question, please email me. ( 

This weeks newsletter


Sunday, May 22, 2016 No comments

We will be celebrating summer birthdays, playing outside, and
having lots of fun!!!

It is free dress from here on out. Kids can wear pretty much anything they want, as long as modesty standards are upheld. 

Please make sure your child has a water bottle every day as we will be outside a lot. Keep an eye out for special things being sent home.

Upcoming Calendar Highlights
Summer Birthday Party, Monday, May 23rd, 9:00- 10:30am 
(We will walk to the park, parents are welcome.)

Field Day, Tuesday, May 24th, !2:30 – 3:00
(Parents are welcome… we need volunteer helpers)

The last day of school is Wednesday, May 25th, at 12:30pm, early release.

Here is the LAST newsletter: