November 28th - December 2nd

Sunday, November 27, 2016 No comments

I hope everyone enjoyed their break and spent time with their families! Thank you to all who helped with and donated items to our Thanksgiving Feast.

On Tuesday morning we have an assembly. We have a magician coming to the school and he puts on a great show for the kids!

Our “Kindness Elves” arrive this week! Each day they will give us a new challenge to show kindness. Ask your child each day how they were able to show kindness to someone else. This is a great way to help our class build and develop social and emotional skills! If you would like to participate at home, here is some information on what we will be doing:
We have a lot to pack into the next three weeks so it’s time to put on your running shoes. I will be sending out  lots of volunteer opportunities via the Bloomz app so keep your eyes out for ways that you can help! Thanks again for all that you do to support your child!

Here is this weeks newsletter:


November 14 - 18

Sunday, November 13, 2016 No comments

We will be making a project with shoe boxes.
Please send in any shoe boxes you may have at home.

We are having a Thanksgiving Feast on Friday. If you signed up to bring something, please send it in by Friday morning, thanks!

We have a special guest speaker coming in on Tuesday afternoon to talk about Africa.Nick loves to come in and speak to the kids. Nick has cerebral palsy and in a wheel chair and uses a speech device to talk. He lived in Africa as a child and love to tell the kids about his experiences and overcoming challenges that may come your way. 

Thanksgiving Break is November 21st – 25th 

Here is this weeks newsletter:

November 7th - 11th

Sunday, November 6, 2016 No comments

We had a super fun Halloween Party and Costume Parade last week! Thank you to all the parents who helped make this memorable for our class!

I have noticed some candy in backpacks and lunchboxes. Please help our classroom by not sending any candy for snack or lunch. It really helps our classroom atmosphere. 

We will be making a project with shoe boxes next week… Please send in any shoe boxes you may have at home, Thanks!

As some of you may have noticed, I had a little accident and ended up on crutches this week. I rolled my ankle (on the playground, no less) spraining my ankle and pulling some ligaments off the bone. I will visit the orthopedic on Monday afternoon and will find out what my road to recovery looks like... hopefully quick! The kids were so kind and loving! They have been supper helpers :). 

Here is this weeks newsletter: