May 1st - 5th

Sunday, April 30, 2017 No comments
We have a field trip scheduled for Friday the 12th… There are only 2 drivers so far. Please sign up on the Bloomz app if you are able to help drive. Also if you plan on driving just your child, please let me know so I can coordinate the right amount of seats needed. You are more than welcome to meet us there and then go straight home and still get counted as a school day -- if you let us know ahead of time 😄.

The Scholastic BOGO (buy one get one free!!) book fair will be at our school for a couple of days this week. This is a great opportunity to get books for this summer!

We are also talking about careers and working in the community. We would love to hear from our parents about their careers - what you do, what training/school/degree you needed, how long you have been doing it, what your favorite part of your job is, etc. If you would like to share your career with the class, please sign up on Bloomz. 

Save the Date
TPAAK Arts Gala – Saturday, May 13th
Our Class has created special artwork that will be on display and available to purchase!
Please come & Bring Family & Friends.

*Please remember to send a water bottle with your child everyday*

Here is this weeks newsletter:

April 24 - 28

Sunday, April 23, 2017 No comments
Thank you for a wonderful paragon night! The kids did a fantastic job singing and performing. I hope you learned a little bit about Australia!

We have a ton of fun things lined up over the next few weeks. We have lots of volunteer opportunities and would love your help… starting with drivers for the field trip coming up 😊. Please check the Bloomz app to sign up. 

We are also out of glue sticks and could use a few more to get us through the year. If you are able to send a few in, we would appreciate it!
*Please remember to send a water bottle with your child everyday*
Here is this weeks newsletter:

April 17-21

Sunday, April 16, 2017 No comments
Thanks so much to all those who came to conferences! I love being able to sit down and talk with all of you. All the kids are amazing and have grown so much J!

We are getting down to the last weeks of school and have lots of fun things coming up. The ducks are hatching over the next 2 days. We also have a field trip coming up in a couple of weeks. We will be sending home permission slips and looking for drivers. Please keep an eye out on Blooms for driver & chaperone sign up.

Paragon Night is this Thursday at 5:30. Please have the kids in the classroom by 5:20 so we can line up for our performance. We will be performing on the big stage in the cafeteria. I will be emailing out specifics for each child.

Here is this weeks newsletter:

April 3rd - 7th

Sunday, April 2, 2017 No comments

Conference sign ups went out through the Bloomz app. If you still want to sign up, there are a few spots left. Conferences will be held after school everyday this week. I you need to schedule a different tine, please let me know.

The TPAAK Arts Gala is quickly approaching and volunteers are still needed. Please check the volunteer board by the elevator to see where you can help! 

  Class pictures will be this Tuesday, first thing in the morning. If you would like to purchase a   copy of the picture, please return the order form by Tuesday morning. You can also order online following the directions on the order form. 

Here is this weeks newsletter: