May 1st - 5th

Sunday, April 30, 2017
We have a field trip scheduled for Friday the 12th… There are only 2 drivers so far. Please sign up on the Bloomz app if you are able to help drive. Also if you plan on driving just your child, please let me know so I can coordinate the right amount of seats needed. You are more than welcome to meet us there and then go straight home and still get counted as a school day -- if you let us know ahead of time 😄.

The Scholastic BOGO (buy one get one free!!) book fair will be at our school for a couple of days this week. This is a great opportunity to get books for this summer!

We are also talking about careers and working in the community. We would love to hear from our parents about their careers - what you do, what training/school/degree you needed, how long you have been doing it, what your favorite part of your job is, etc. If you would like to share your career with the class, please sign up on Bloomz. 

Save the Date
TPAAK Arts Gala – Saturday, May 13th
Our Class has created special artwork that will be on display and available to purchase!
Please come & Bring Family & Friends.

*Please remember to send a water bottle with your child everyday*

Here is this weeks newsletter:

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