October 30th - November 3rd

Sunday, October 29, 2017 No comments
This is bound to be an exciting week! Character Day is Tuesday. Kids can dress up as any character they choose – no weapons or gore and modesty standards still apply J. We will have a classroom party from 10:00-11:00am.

As we enter a season filled with sweets, I want to remind everyone that candy is not allowed for snacks or lunches. Please help keep our classroom happy & healthy by keeping the candy and sweets at home.

Thank you for your help with this!

Please remind your child to bring a jacket/coat to school each day. It can be chilly during recess! Last week we had several students without a jacket/coat. If your child does not bring a jacket/coat on a cold day, they will sit in the office during recess time in order to keep them healthy and safe. If you need assistance with purchasing a jacket/coat, please let me know or speak with front office.

The focus book for this week is 

Here is this weeks newsletter:

October 23 - 27

Sunday, October 22, 2017 No comments
Thank you to all the parents that came in for conferences! I love getting to meet with all of you and working together to help your child!

The next thing we have coming up is our Halloween Party! I have several parents that signed up to help with the event and am looking for someone to coordinate J! This person will plan the activities and coordinate volunteer and donations. I will send out a request via Bloomz!

We will also be doing costumes/character day - a book report family project was sent home in Friday Folders in coordination with character day. The main things to remember for costumes is that there is no blood/gore or weapons and modesty standards must be upheld. PLEASE REMEMBER THAT YOUR CHILD WILL NEED TO USE THE RESTROOM AND SHOULD BE ABLE TO GET IN AND OUT OF THEIR COSTUME QUICKLY AND EASILY! Please let me know if you have any questions. 

As a reminder, we have 2 snacks each day. Over the last couple weeks we have had several kids without afternoon snacks and/or water bottles. Please help your child remember this for a successful kindergarten day! 

Here is a link to the focus book for the week: Stellaluna

Here is a copy of this weeks newsletter:

October 16th - 20th

Sunday, October 15, 2017 No comments
Our field trip was soooo much fun! Everyone had an exciting time and was able to take home their very own pumpkin! Thank you so much to all the drivers who made this possible.

Parent/Teacher conferences are this week! The sign up for conferences we out via Bloomz. There are still many time slots available if you have not had a chance to sign up. Please let me know if you are not able to access it and I can help you sign up for a time. I look forward to meeting with all of you!

This week is also the Scholastic Book Fair at the school. The fair will be open after school all week and during conference times. 

The focus book this week is The Little Red Hen: Read Aloud Link

Here is a copy of the newsletter:

October 9th - 13th

Sunday, October 8, 2017 No comments
We have our first field trip this week! We will be going to the Pumpkin Patch on Friday. Please remember to sign the permission slip online. The $6 fee can be paid online or you can send in a check or cash to school. You will need to leave a booster seat for your child. We have seats for all the kids, you will just need to provide their booster seat. We will be back at school in time for lunch so send or order lunch as normal. 

Picture retakes will be on Thursday morning. If you did not get your child’s picture taken on Back To School night, it will be taken Thursday. 

The sign up for conferences we out via BloomzPlease let me know if you are not able to access it and I can help you sign up for a time. Conferences will be held in the afternoons and evenings on the 17th-19th and during the day on Friday. 

Also, please remind your child to bring their water bottles. Many kids come without them and are needing to visit the water fountain multiple times a day – which can be distracting when trying to get work done.  THANK YOU!

Here is a link to this weeks focus book: Pumpkin Town

Here is this weeks newsletter

October 2nd - 6th

Sunday, October 1, 2017 No comments
This week is spirit week and we get to dress up in a special way!

Monday – Captain Awesome: dress as a superhero
Tuesday – A Color of His Own: dress in tie dye or colorful outfit
Wednesday – Oh, The Places You’ll Go!: dress as what you want to be when you grow up
Thursday – Frog and Toad: dress like a buddy or in our class color… PURPLE J
Friday – Return of the Library Dragon: dress in green and gold or as a dragon

Library books went home over the weekend… please remind your child to bring their book back.

Thank you to all those who have signed up to drive on the field trip. I sent driver forms home in Friday folders. If you are driving, please send those back as soon as possible and stop by the office to complete the quick background check. (it only takes a few minutes). You can also do this if you plan to help drive on our spring field trip.

Here is this the link to the focus book for the week: Knuffle Bunny

Here is this weeks newsletter: