Feb 26 - Mar 2

Saturday, February 24, 2018 No comments
The kids did a great job with the math challenge! Our class did 5966 problems!!!
Please remember to send in any final pledges on Monday.

We have a respect assembly on Wednesday at 8:30am. It is also JEANS day!

Friday is Read Across America Day in honor of Dr. Seuss. We will celebrate by wearing our pajamas and having a reading party. We will also watch Horton Hears A Who.

T-shirt order also need to be by Wednesday, Feb 28th.

The focus book for this week is The Three Billy Goats Fluff  by Rachael Mortimer:

Here is a copy of the weekly newsletter:

February 19th - 23rd

Monday, February 19, 2018 No comments
We had a wonderful week last week! Thank you to all the parents who helped make our Valentine’s Celebration so much fun. Paragon Night was also amazing. The kids had so much fun!

We have some more fun events this week. As part of our science unit, we have “Tooth Fairies” coming to visit on Friday afternoon to help teach us about the importance of keeping our teeth clean and healthy.

T-shirt orders will be finalized this week. The kids made adorable self portraits last week J. All orders need to be sent in by Friday afternoon. Please let me know if you have any questions. 

The focus book this week is Just Going to the Dentist by Mercer Mayer:

Here is the weekly newsletter:

February 12th - 16th

Saturday, February 10, 2018 No comments
Our 100’s day was so much fun! We made visors with 100 stickers, stacked 100 cups, made 100 fruit loop necklaces, and 100 gumball fingerprints! We also got to visit the 4th grade and share our 100 day collections with them!

We have our class Valentine’s Day party this Wednesday. We will be eating strawberry shortcakes and passing out Valentines. We will be making valentine monsters boxes to collect our valentines.

Paragon Night is this Thursday, February 15th at 5:15 in our classroom.
The kids can wear any fancy clothes they want, including costumes of a king, queen, prince, princess,

or knight!

The Math Challenge will continue through the month of February. We will continue to send home math problems for kids to work on if they wish to participate in completing problems for the class totals. They can also collect pledges if they would like to participate in the fundraiser portion of the math challenge.Please let me know if you have any questions on this activity.

You may have noticed a "T-shirt order form" in your child's Friday Folder. The kinder classes will be designing and making a classroom memorabilia t-shirt. Each student will create a self portrait and they will be screen printed on a shirt. If you would like to order the shirt, please return the order form by Friday, Feb. 23rd.

This weeks focus book is Roses Are Pink, Your Feet Really Stink by Diane DeGroat. 

Here is this weeks newsletter:

February 5th - 9th

Sunday, February 4, 2018 No comments

This week we will celebrate our 100th day in school! The kids are excited to celebrate being 100 days smarter! WE will be having a classroom celebration Thursday morning from 10-11 am. Information went home about bringing in a collection of 100 things last week. Each child was given a water bottle and label. Please have your child bring theirs in by Thursday morning. We will be visiting other classes to share our collections.

In case you missed it, the bottles are to be filled with 100 of something. 
(Labels with their names on it were also attached to the instructions.)

Image result for 100 day bottle

The math challenge is in full swing and kids can work on math problems and collecting pledges throughout the month of February. Packets of math problems (on blue paper) went home last week. This is not required "homework". If they want to participate in the challenge, they can complete the problems and turn them back in for credit.

This weeks focus book is Hooway For Wodney Wat by Helen Lester:

Here is this weeks newsletter: