February 5th - 9th

Sunday, February 4, 2018

This week we will celebrate our 100th day in school! The kids are excited to celebrate being 100 days smarter! WE will be having a classroom celebration Thursday morning from 10-11 am. Information went home about bringing in a collection of 100 things last week. Each child was given a water bottle and label. Please have your child bring theirs in by Thursday morning. We will be visiting other classes to share our collections.

In case you missed it, the bottles are to be filled with 100 of something. 
(Labels with their names on it were also attached to the instructions.)

Image result for 100 day bottle

The math challenge is in full swing and kids can work on math problems and collecting pledges throughout the month of February. Packets of math problems (on blue paper) went home last week. This is not required "homework". If they want to participate in the challenge, they can complete the problems and turn them back in for credit.

This weeks focus book is Hooway For Wodney Wat by Helen Lester:

Here is this weeks newsletter:

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